想要更直观地了解新能源硅钢电工钢 B20A250质优价廉产品的细节和特色?我们为您制作了视频,它将带您进入一个比文字更加鲜活的世界。

以下是:新能源硅钢电工钢 B20A250质优价廉的图文介绍
电工钢硅钢片Electrical steel, also known as silicon steel sheet, is an indispensable metal material in the power, electronics, and military industries, and is also the largest functional material in production. It is mainly used as the iron core for various motors, generators, and transformers. Specific total loss (iron loss) is the total power consumed per unit mass of material when the magnetic polarization waveform remains sinusoidal, with a specific peak and frequency. The specific total loss is represented by the symbol P (Jm/f), in W/kg. Example: P1.5/50 represents the specific total loss at a maximum magnetic polarization intensity of 1.5T and a frequency of 50Hz. 3.2 Magnetic Polarization Q/BQB 480-20212 Magnetic polarization intensity refers to the peak magnetic polarization intensity of a specific magnetic field intensity when a sample is subjected to alternating magnetization. Its symbol is J (H), and the unit is T (Tesla). Example: J5000 represents the peak magnetic polarization intensity corresponding to a magnetic field intensity peak of 5000A/m. The material grades in this document are classified based on the nominal maximum specific total loss P1.5/50 (W/kg) at a magnetic polarization strength of 1.5T and a frequency of 50Hz, as well as the nominal thickness of the material. They are further divided into three categories based on product characteristics: ordinary type, stress relief annealing type, and high-efficiency type. Example 1: B35A210 represents a common non oriented electrical steel with a nominal thickness of 0.35mm, and the maximum nominal specific total loss value P1.5/50 is 2.10W/kg; Example 2: B35AR300 represents a stress relieved annealed non oriented electrical steel with a nominal thickness of 0.35mm, and the maximum nominal specific total loss value P1.5/50 is 3.00W/kg; Example 3: B35AH230 represents an efficient non oriented electrical steel with a nominal thickness of 0.35mm, and the maximum nominal specific loss value P1.5/50 is 2.30W/kg. Example 4: 35WW210 represents a normal type WW non oriented electrical steel with a nominal thickness of 0.35mm, and the maximum nominal specific loss value P1.5/50 is 2.10W/kg. Example 5: 35WH230 represents an efficient WH non oriented electrical steel with a nominal thickness of 0.35mm, and the maximum nominal specific loss value P1.5/50 is 2.30W/kg. The classification and code of insulation coatings shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. Table 2 Classification and Code of Insulation Coatings Type Code Characteristics of Insulation Coatings Semi organic Thin Coating A Improves Punching Performance and Has Good Weldability Semi organic Thick Coating H has Good Punching Performance and High Interlayer Resistance Semi organic Chromium Free Thin Coating K does not contain chromium and has good weldability Semi organic Chromium Free Thick Coating M does not contain chromium and has good insulation performance Semi organic Chromium Free Extreme Thick Coating J does not contain chromium and has excellent insulation performance Semi organic Chromium Free Ultra Thick Coating L does not contain chromium and has extremely high insulation performance Self adhesive Coating

新能源硅钢电工钢	B20A250质优价廉

电工钢硅钢片:宝钢激光刻痕磁畴细化型产品磁性能检测采用了单片测试仪进行测试,通常情况下取向电工钢只测试平行于轧制方向的磁性能水平,特殊情况可以约定分别检测平行于轧制方向和垂直于轧制方向的磁性能。具体测试方法符合 GB/T 13789-2008(IEC 60404-3:2002,IDT)相关规定,测试试样公称尺寸为 500mm×500mm,测试试样长度的误差在±0.1%以内,测试试样的质量误差在±0.1%以内。为保证磁性测试结果对带钢磁性能的代表性,裁剪大单片试样时,试样中心位置与带钢宽度方向中心位置偏移量控制在≤50mm,试样边部距离样板边部控制在≥100mm,试样纵向与样板轧制方向的偏离角度≤1.0°,如附图 A.2 所示。试样要求剪切整齐、江西南昌当地平坦,直角性好,表面清洁,无影响性能试验的缺陷,试样边部不允许剪切后打磨,剪切毛刺高度不应高于 20μm。大单片试样不经过应力退火处理直接测试。

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