

怀化豫信致诚机械设备有限公司是国内专业的 水渠机生产制造厂家,工厂位于中站李封南会253号。公司自成立以来坚持品质创新,在国内率先成功研发并推出了中站李封南会253号系列产品。我公司多年经验,做事快捷高效,竭诚为您服务。我们本着诚信为本,服务至上的原则,为各大厂矿,建筑工程提供优质可靠的钢材供应服务。


Hose pumps are very versatile and can be applied to many occasions on the market, such as: emptying of sewage pump wells, emptying of sewage pumping stations, emptying of sewage ponds and sludge ponds in water plants. Empty sewage and sludge from municipal sewer system. Emergency transfer of oil, liquid substances, chemical sludge, etc. after the accident at factories and tankers; suction pumps for flushing water on the surface after the accident. Fire emergency water transfer; emergency water supply pump station, the internal flow parts of the pump can be equipped with stainless steel, several pump trucks in series can be used as temporary water supply pump station. Military and naval forces combat readiness logistic pump truck.

