

怀化豫信致诚机械设备有限公司地处中站李封南会253号,公司秉承信誉di yi,保质保量的生产原则;坚持科学管理,为顾客提供优质,主营产品: 水渠机。公司以良好的信誉、优质的产品、雄厚的实力、低廉的价格享誉全国30多个省、市、自治区、直辖市,产品深得用户依赖。欢迎新老客户来电垂询。


There is also a food-grade rubber hose pump. Its rubber layer must meet food hygiene requirements, and it must also meet EHEDG or other sanitary requirements. There is also a EPDM hose pump, which is generally suitable for most corrosive chemicals and inorganic materials. The inner rubber layer is composed of EPDM rubber, and the outer layer is also a complete EPDM rubber. Such hoses have strong chemical resistance. And CSM hose pump, it is suitable for particularly corrosive chemical media, such as: strong oxidizing solvents. The inner layer of the hose is CSM and the outer layer is natural rubber. Operating temperature reaches 85 ° C / 185 ° F.
