

郴州豫信致诚机械设备有限公司主要经营 水渠机等产品,业务遍及全国各个省市,是国内 水渠机企业主要供货商!我司成立以来一直致力于 水渠机产品的市场开发与经营,公司凭借“安全、高效、诚信、优质”的企业经营宗旨,在业内树立了良好的信誉。在保证产品质量的前提下快速将货物送到客户厂内、保证货物的安全同时也提高了客户生产进度。公司信誉至上保证客户无后顾之忧、品种丰富保证客户产品的需要。公司将秉承“诚信为本、共利同赢”的经营理念,愿与广大客户通力合作,共同发展,实现共赢!



Application range of single tube hose pump:
Drilling mud, crude oil transportation and transportation of organic solvents and fuel oils such as gasoline and kerosene in the petroleum industry; transportation of sludge and lime slurry for water treatment; mining and metallurgical industries, such as filling materials in gold mining, and pulp in gold smelting Transportation; transportation of pharmaceutical materials and liquids in the pharmaceutical industry; transportation of oil materials and beverages in the food industry; transportation of pulp and sulfur pulp in the paper industry; transportation of cement mortar in the construction industry; transportation of ceramic glaze in the ceramic industry; nuclear waste and electrolysis Transportation of liquid materials such as waste slag, metal slag liquid, paint, coating and so on.

