B23R080-LM取向硅钢取向硅钢,鹿程国际贸易有限公司为您提供B23R080-LM取向硅钢取向硅钢的资讯,联系人:鹿丙伟,电话:021-56152236、13764370568,QQ:871956683,发货地:宝山区蕰川公路777号宝钢厂区607-609室。" />
鹿程国际贸易有限公司 > 青岛本地今日新闻


更新时间:2025-01-05 10:54:16 浏览次数:1    公司名称: 鹿程国际贸易有限公司

品名电工钢 冷轧无取向电工钢 冷轧取向电工钢卷冷轧取向硅钢 取向电工钢冷轧无取向硅钢冷轧无取向硅钢
规格0.08 0.1 0.05 0.18 0.2 0.23 0.27 0.3 0.35 0.5 0.65 1.0mm
  • B23R080-LM取向硅钢取向硅钢
  • B23R080-LM取向硅钢取向硅钢
  • B23R080-LM取向硅钢取向硅钢
  • B23R080-LM取向硅钢取向硅钢
  • B23R080-LM取向硅钢取向硅钢
在山东省青岛市采购B23R080-LM取向硅钢取向硅钢请认准鹿程国际贸易有限公司,品质保证让您买得放心,用得安心,厂家直销,减少中间环节,让您购买到更加实惠、更加可靠的产品。(联系人:鹿丙伟-13764370568,QQ:871956683,地址:宝山区蕰川公路777号宝钢厂区607-609室发货到山东省 青岛市 四方区、黄岛区、崂山区、李沧区、城阳区、胶州市、即墨区、平度市、胶南区、莱西市)。 山东省,青岛市 青岛市地处山东半岛南部、东濒黄海,气候属温带季风气候,具有显著的海洋性特点。是山东省经济中心、山东半岛蓝色经济区核心区龙头城市,重要的现代海洋产业发展先行区、东北亚国际航运枢纽、海上体育运动基地。一带一路新亚欧大陆桥经济走廊主要节点城市和海上合作战略支点。



鹿程国际贸易有限公司是集 山东青岛汽车大梁钢生产加工经营于一体的大型企业,公司成立至今一直秉承以用户需求为核心,在专注市场开拓的同时,为客户提供产品与服务,用心的服务赢得了众多客户的信赖和好评,在周边地区逐渐树立起公司良好品牌。 公司将不断完善并研发产品质量的理念精神。年轻队伍,以实际行动为客户提供更好的服务,以精挑细琢的姿态为客户创造性价比产品。 公司愿景:万分的努力,只为能给客户赢得十分的满意!我们相信,通过我们的不断努力和追求,一定能够实现与您互利共赢!

电工钢硅钢片Electrical steel, also known as silicon steel sheet, is an indispensable metal material in the power, electronics, and military industries, and is also the largest functional material in production. It is mainly used as the iron core for various motors, generators, and transformers. Since it is a functional material, its performance testing also revolves around "function". These indicators are often mentioned in trade and processing processes, and a brief understanding can help everyone better carry out their work. The performance testing of electrical steel mainly includes the following aspects: magnetic inspection, stacking coefficient inspection, coating adhesion inspection, repeated bending inspection, size and shape surface inspection, and conventional mechanical property inspection. In addition to the types of products listed above, there are also some special purpose electrical steel plates, such as 0.15 and 0.20mm thick 3% Si cold-rolled non oriented silicon steel strips and 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1mm thick 3% Si cold-rolled oriented silicon steel strips, which are used as intermediate and intermediate grade High frequency motors and transformers, as well as pulse transformers, etc; 0.7mm thick 3% Si high-strength cold-rolled non oriented silicon steel plate for relays and power switches; High strength cold-rolled electrical steel plate for new high-speed motor rotors; Low carbon electrical steel hot-rolled thick and cold-rolled plates for magnetic shielding and high-energy accelerator electromagnets such as medical magnetic resonance tomography scanners; 4.5% to 6.5% Si high silicon steel plates for high-frequency motors, transformers, and magnetic shielding. Generally, motors, transformers, and other electrical components are required to have high efficiency, low power consumption, small size, and light weight. Electrical steel plates are usually guaranteed to have magnetic properties based on core loss and magnetic induction strength. Magnetic induction strength is the number of magnetic lines passing through a unit cross-sectional area of the iron core, also known as magnetic flux density. It represents the material‘s magnetization ability, measured in T. The magnetic induction strength of electrical steel plates is high, and the excitation current (also known as no-load current) of the iron core is reduced. Copper and iron losses are also reduced, which can save electrical energy. When the power of the motor and transformer remains constant, the magnetic induction intensity is high, and the design Bm can be increased. The cross-sectional area of the iron core can be reduced, which reduces the volume and weight of the iron core, and saves the amount of electrical steel plates, wires, insulation materials, and structural materials used. This can reduce the total loss and manufacturing cost of the motor and transformer, and is beneficial for the manufacturing, installation, and transportation of large transformers and motors. The main requirements for the performance of silicon steel are: 1. Low iron loss is the most important indicator of the quality of silicon steel sheets. Various countries classify grades based on iron loss values, with the lower the iron loss, the higher the grade. 2. Under strong magnetic fields, the magnetic induction intensity (magnetic induction) is high, which reduces the volume and weight of the iron core of the motor and transformer, saving silicon steel sheets, copper wires, and insulation materials. 3. The surface is smooth, flat, and the thickness is uniform, which can improve the filling coefficient of the iron core. 4. Good lamination performance is more important for manufacturing micro and small electric motors. 5. The adhesion and weldability of the surface insulation film are good, which can prevent corrosion and improve the punching performan

电工钢硅钢片硅钢是一种硅铁合金。用硅钢轧制的片材是电工领域中应用广的软磁材料,因而硅钢片又称电工钢片。硅钢片广泛用于电动机、发电机、变压器、扼流圈、电磁机构、继电器及测量仪表中电机工业大量使用厚度为0.35~0.50mm的硅钢片,用于:中型旋转机,压缩电机,通用马达,小型精密电机,电动汽车,压缩机,通用电机,电源变压器,精密变压器,节能电机,焊机变压器,稳压器,磁性密封器,加速器用电磁铁,汽车电机等;在电信高频技术中常用0.05~0.20mm的薄带钢片,以便更有效地降低涡流损耗。热轧硅钢片厚度为0.35~0.50mm,密度为7.55~7.70g/cm3,多用于大、中、小型交、直流电动机;冷轧无取向硅钢片厚度为0.35~0.50mm,密度为7.65~7.75g/cm3,多用于大型交流发电机、电动机,大、中、小型交、直流电动机;冷轧取向硅钢片厚度为0.23mm 0.27mm 0.3mm 0.35mm,密度为7.65g/cm3,多用于电力变压器、油浸式变压器,干式变压器,电抗器、磁放大器等;冷轧取向薄带厚度为0.05~0.20mm,多用于无线电高频变压器。。

电工钢硅钢片硅钢是一种硅铁合金。用硅钢轧制的片材是电工领域中应用广的软磁材料,因而硅钢片又称电工钢片。硅钢片广泛用于电动机、发电机、变压器、扼流圈、电磁机构、继电器及测量仪表中电机工业大量使用厚度为0.35~0.50mm的硅钢片,用于:中型旋转机,压缩电机,通用马达,小型精密电机,电动汽车,压缩机,通用电机,电源变压器,精密变压器,节能电机,焊机变压器,稳压器,磁性密封器,加速器用电磁铁,汽车电机等;在电信高频技术中常用0.05~0.20mm的薄带钢片,以便更有效地降低涡流损耗。热轧硅钢片厚度为0.35~0.50mm,密度为7.55~7.70g/cm3,多用于大、中、小型交、直流电动机;冷轧无取向硅钢片厚度为0.35~0.50mm,密度为7.65~7.75g/cm3,多用于大型交流发电机、电动机,大、中、小型交、直流电动机;冷轧取向硅钢片厚度为0.23mm 0.27mm 0.3mm 0.35mm,密度为7.65g/cm3,多用于电力变压器、油浸式变压器,干式变压器,电抗器、磁放大器等;冷轧取向薄带厚度为0.05~0.20mm,多用于无线电高频变压器。


鹿程国际贸易有限公司【021-56152236】在山东省青岛市本地专业从事B23R080-LM取向硅钢取向硅钢,价格低,发货快,效果好 ([城市群])可送货上门。