蜂窝活性炭产品特性:大量应用在低浓度、大风量的各类有机废气净化系统中。被处理废气在通过蜂窝活性炭方孔时 能够充分与活性炭接触,吸附效率可达67.16%,风阻系数小,具有优良的吸附、脱附性能和气体动力学性能 ,可广泛用于净化处理含有苯类、酚类、脂类、醇类醛类等有机气体、恶臭味气体和 含有量金属的各类气体。采用的环保设备废气处理净化效率高,吸附床体积小,设备能耗低,能够降低造 价和运行成本,净化后的气体完全满足环保排放要求。防水型蜂窝活性炭经过活化烧结而成,具有强度高, 吸附性能好,动力学性能优越的特点,对流体阻力小,耐高温,耐酸,耐碱。操作方便,使用寿命长,广泛 用于废水,废气(用水脱附工艺)处理,有机溶剂回收吸附及催化剂载体,不易破碎,浸渍方便,几何表面 积大。静态水中72小时无破损… 我们都知道蜂窝活性炭分防水型和不防水型,在购买的时候我们都会根据自己的情况购买其中一种。
普邦环保材料有限公司服务于全国 广东中山聚丙烯酰胺行业,建立了完善的检验体系,并以现代高科技研发为手段,以自主知识产权的先进制造工艺技术,提供全系列搭配方案供客户选择。
中航豫泓是一家专业生产销售蜂窝炭、蜂窝活性炭的厂家。主要产品有:蜂窝炭、蜂窝活性炭、防水型蜂窝活性炭、耐水型蜂窝活性炭、蜂窝活性炭块、圆柱形蜂窝活性炭、蜂窝形状活性炭等。公司一贯坚持“质量 ,用户至上,优质服务,守合同”的宗旨,凭借着高质量的产品,良好的誉,优质的服务,产品畅销全国近三十多个省、市、自治区以及远销日本、美国等 。竭诚与国内外商家双赢合作,共同发展,共创辉煌!
AVIC Henan Hong is a professional production and sales of honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon factory. The main products are: honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon, waterproof honeycomb activated carbon, water resistant honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb activated carbon block, cylindrical honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb shaped activated carbon, etc.. The company has always adhere to the "quality first, customer first, quality service, abide by the contract," the purpose, with a high-quality products, good reputation, high quality service, the best-selling products in more than and 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and exported to Japan, the United States and other countries. Wholeheartedly with the domestic and foreign merchants win-win cooperation, common development, create brilliant!
中航豫泓是一家专业生产销售蜂窝炭、蜂窝活性炭的厂家。主要产品有:蜂窝炭、蜂窝活性炭、防水型蜂窝活性炭、耐水型蜂窝活性炭、蜂窝活性炭块、圆柱形蜂窝活性炭、蜂窝形状活性炭等。公司一贯坚持“质量 ,用户至上,优质服务,守合同”的宗旨,凭借着高质量的产品,良好的誉,优质的服务,产品畅销全国近三十多个省、市、自治区以及远销日本、美国等 。竭诚与国内外商家双赢合作,共同发展,共创辉煌!
AVIC Henan Hong is a professional production and sales of honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon factory. The main products are: honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon, waterproof honeycomb activated carbon, water resistant honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb activated carbon block, cylindrical honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb shaped activated carbon, etc.. The company has always adhere to the "quality first, customer first, quality service, abide by the contract," the purpose, with a high-quality products, good reputation, high quality service, the best-selling products in more than and 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and exported to Japan, the United States and other countries. Wholeheartedly with the domestic and foreign merchants win-win cooperation, common development, create brilliant!